Forest Provide Useful Products

Concept Explanation

Forest Provide Useful Products

Forest Provide Useful Products:

1.  Forest maintain environmental stability, ecological balance for the existence of all life forms.

2.  They provide timber and fuel wood.

3.  Soft wood is used in furniture, packages and also other building materials.

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Question : 1

Cinchona, isabgol,  neem, rauwolfia are _________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Forest maintain ________________  stability, ecological balance for thr existence of all life forms.

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) Forests provide lac, cane, resin, charcoal, fire -wood, gums, medicinal herbs, fodder and grass.

(b) Forests are the sources of timber for house - building, furniture making, ship - building etc.

(c) They modify climatic conditions and bring better rainfall in the area.

Right Option : D
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